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Re: IE doesn't increase font-size in px


From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Apr 15, 2013 3:36AM

Steve Green wrote:

> Text-only sizing solves the problem of the 99.99% of websites that have
> not been built using responsive design.

I think there are quite a few more than 0.01%, it is becoming the norm for
new sites in the same way that CSS became the norm between 2001-2006.
Big-site examples recently are Microsoft.com and Sky.com.

However, we'll see how that pans out, I'm more interested in:

> Furthermore, almost every responsive design I have tested has failed to
> support 200% zoom. Depending on the screen resolution, no zooming at all
> may be possible without loss of some content on some of these sites.

I'm struggling to see how that would happen. A quick look at bostonglobe.com&
microsoft.com in IE at 1024 wide & 200%, they appeared to work fine. What
sort of issues are you seeing?

