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Re: IE doesn't increase font-size in px


From: Joe Chidzik
Date: Apr 15, 2013 3:57AM

> > Furthermore, almost every responsive design I have tested has failed
> > to support 200% zoom. Depending on the screen resolution, no zooming
> > at all may be possible without loss of some content on some of these sites.
> I'm struggling to see how that would happen. A quick look at bostonglobe.com&
> microsoft.com in IE at 1024 wide & 200%, they appeared to work fine. What sort
> of issues are you seeing?

In my own reviews, I've only ever found one site that failed when zoomed to 200%. Whilst the content appeared visually fine, the site itself disabled the horizontal scrollbar on the page, so when zooming in, you were stuck with whatever content was onscreen with no (reliable) way of moving left or right.
