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Survey, how do screen reader users navigate within websites
From: Sushil Oswal
Date: Apr 15, 2013 9:58AM
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Hello Birkir, back in Janury you gave us a user survey.
Will you be sharing the results of that survey with us?
----- Original Message -----
From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
To: WebAIM Discussion List
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: [WebAIM] Survey, how do screen reader users navigate within websites
Hello listers.
Me and my colleague are carrying out research into how much users take
advantage of structural markup on websites (headings, landmarks, table
We want to get as much feedback as possible, from a diverse user group
of screen reader users.
This is part of a research project e are working on, which also
includes field test with users.
We are hoping this may lead to online tutorials, videos or other
material that will help ensure screen reader users can take advantage
of this type of markup.
(I know we concentrate on screen reader users for this particular
survey, but we are hoping to perhaps do similar things in future to
make sure users can fully take advantage of WCAG compliant and
accessible websites).
You can access the survey at the following link:
The survey consists of 9 questions, should take about 5 minutes to
complete, and users may not know all the answers (in fact, we suspect
they may not), and should not be embarrassed about it (for one thing
the survey is totaly anonymous).
Feel free to distribute (and also free not to).
I'll share the results with you, both at CSUN and on this list.
Hopefully we can turn this into another tool to help encourage
accessible webpage design, UA interpretation and, ultimately,
something to benefit some of our end users.
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- Next message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Survey, how do screen reader users navigate within websites"
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