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Re: IE doesn't increase font-size in px
From: David Ashleydale
Date: Apr 15, 2013 10:37AM
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I just did a quick check for the most popular web sites in 2013 and then
tried to zoom the text (using View/Text Size) to "Largest" in IE 8 /
Windows 7. I'm using a screen resolution of 1920 by 1200. Here are my
1. Google - Pass.
2. Facebook - Fail. Text did not get any bigger.
3. Yahoo - Fail. Text did not get any bigger.
4. YouTube - Fail. Text did not get any bigger.
5. Wikipedia - Pass.
6. MSN - Pass.
7. Amazon - Fail. Text did not get any bigger.
8. eBay - Fail. Text did not get any bigger.
9. Twitter - Fail. Text did not get any bigger.
10. Bing - Partial pass. The text gets bigger, but some of the
functionality causes the page to get wider than the screen. Also, not all
of the text on the page gets bigger.
When I used View/Zoom (everything) to 200%, these were my results:
1. Google - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
2. Facebook - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
3. Yahoo - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
4. YouTube - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
5. Wikipedia - Pass.
6. MSN - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
7. Amazon - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
8. eBay - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
9. Twitter - Pass.
10. Bing - Fail. Horizontal scroll bar appeared.
This was an interesting exercise for me. I had thought that these sites
would allow the text to resize but that it would look all screwy. Instead,
almost 7 out o 10 of them didn't even allow me to only resize the text at
David Ashleydale
On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 5:51 AM, Steve Green < <EMAIL REMOVED>
> wrote:
> Both of those sites work fine so it is our clients' implementations that
> are buggy, as I expected.
> Steve
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- Previous message in Thread: Steve Green: "Re: IE doesn't increase font-size in px"
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