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Re: joomla accessibility
From: John E Brandt
Date: May 21, 2013 10:00AM
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- Previous message: Joshue O Connor: "Re: joomla accessibility"
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- Previous message in Thread: Joshue O Connor: "Re: joomla accessibility"
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If you are asking about the back end, I will defer to Joshue who appears to
As far as front-end, user-experience...much of the accessibility will be
related to template being used. Some templates are better than others. Look
for ones that are built to WC3 standards.
The "core" function of Joomla is currently fairly accessible (depends on
what standards you are needing to meet). The only thing that shows up on all
my Joomla sites - so I suspect it is a problem with the core - is the lack
of a LANG declaration. I have not been able to figure out (yet) how to get
the language declaration into Joomla. Anyone got a hint?
And of course one has to always remember that a CMS is only as good as the
people who create content! Training is essential.
John E. Brandt
Augusta, Maine, USA
- Next message: Kohn, Robbie: "NVDA + Flash and another question on PDF"
- Previous message: Joshue O Connor: "Re: joomla accessibility"
- Next message in Thread: Jim Allan: "Re: joomla accessibility"
- Previous message in Thread: Joshue O Connor: "Re: joomla accessibility"
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