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Re: Tools to preparing captions (subtitles)
From: Jacek Zadrożny
Date: May 23, 2013 4:27AM
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W dniu 2013-05-17 20:48, Wyant, Jay (MNIT) pisze:
> Jacek,
> I don't know which programs you have tried or how accessible these programs are for screen readers, but here are some options to check out. (MAGpie is made by WGBH, so you'd think it would be accessible):
JZ: I tried Subedit and AllPlayer.
> Free
> Subtitle Workshop (Windows only): http://www.urusoft.net/downloads.php?lang=1
> MAGpie (Runs on Java - so mostly Windows): http://ncam.wgbh.org/invent_build/web_multimedia/tools-guidelines/magpie
> Cost $ (can get free trial version)
> CaptionMaker (Windows) and Mac Caption: http://www.cpcweb.com/webplus/
> MovieCaptioner (mac only): http://www.synchrimedia.com/
> I've had good experiences with MovieCaptioner - but I'm a sighted user.
JZ: Thank you. I'll try them.
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