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Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata
From: Andrew Kirkpatrick
Date: Jun 3, 2013 6:36AM
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Exactly - the item in the full check has two parts - there needs to be a title defined, and the title needs to be showing in the document window's title area.
See http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/create-verify-pdf-accessibility.html?trackingid=KACNN#DocTitle for the official description.
Andrew Kirkpatrick
Group Product Manager, Accessibility
Adobe Systems
- Next message: Shuttlesworth, Rachel: "Re: help making a hard choice"
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- Next message in Thread: John E Brandt: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message in Thread: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
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