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Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata
From: John E Brandt
Date: Jun 3, 2013 8:37AM
- Next message: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
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- Next message in Thread: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message in Thread: Andrew Kirkpatrick: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
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Can you provide more information here...I am not seeing the terms you are
describing...I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro XI. Are you referring to the
Document Properties or Preferences for the application? Am I understanding
that your methodology makes the "filename" the "title" of the document? Not
sure I would want to do that.
Bevi, as I am getting the same errors (I am using Office 2013), I am just
taking the time and manually editing/adding the Title name to the Document
Properties dialog box and saving.
John E. Brandt
jebswebs: accessible and universal design,
development and consultation
Augusta, Maine, USA
- Next message: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message: Shuttlesworth, Rachel: "Re: help making a hard choice"
- Next message in Thread: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message in Thread: Andrew Kirkpatrick: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
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