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Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata
From: Williams, William R -FS
Date: Jun 3, 2013 10:54AM
- Next message: John E Brandt: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Next message in Thread: John E Brandt: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message in Thread: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
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Given that the full check flags this as an accessibility issue, why is "Show: File Name" the default setting when creating or converting to PDF? Shouldn't Adobe change this behavior?
Bill Williams
Communications Specialist
U.S. Forest Service,
Pacific Southwest Region
1323 Club Drive
Vallejo CA 94592
- Next message: John E Brandt: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Next message in Thread: John E Brandt: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
- Previous message in Thread: Jonathan Metz: "Re: Question: Title from Word to PDF metadata"
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