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Message for Community Forum: Tags Option in Acrobat X


From: Amber Cecil
Date: Jul 15, 2013 9:18AM


I have the following question or the community forum:

When I open documents in Adobe Acrobat X Standard, (this includes Word and Publisher files saved as PDFs), I try to view and manipulate the tags, however, there is no option to even click on "Tags" under View/Navigation Panes. Does anyone know why this function is not operational?

Also, if I go to Tools/Accessibility, "Add Tags to Document" is permanently greyed out, so I cannot click on this option to view/rearrange the tags.

The documents do read as "Tagged" when I view File/Properties.

Any suggestions or insights?

Best wishes,

Amber Cecil

National Organization on Disability
77 Water Street, Suite 204
New York, NY 10005
d. 646-505-1191 ext. 104
f. 646-505-1184