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Re: Screen reader accessible blog platforms?
From: Léonie Watson
Date: Aug 8, 2013 10:27AM
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- Previous message in Thread: McMorland, Gabriel C: "Re: Screen reader accessible blog platforms?"
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Gabriel McMorland wrote:
"Have you found any accessibility issues with Wordpress yet?"
Of course. I can't think of any platform that doesn't have at least one or
two accessibility challenges.
The only thing I've tried and failed to do is use the drag/drop
functionality for arranging widgets on the page. I tend to code them
straight into the templates instead though.
Setting WordPress up and configuring it was all ok. A friend translated the
creative designs for my blog into HTML/CSS templates, but I integrated them
in to WordPress myself.
I use the HTML editor rather than the WYSIWYG version, and the simple file
uploader rather than the default one when writing posts. Updating WordPress
and the plugins I use is pretty straight forward.
This is a very subjective thing though. I don't mind the odd missing label
on form fields, or having to use some of the advanced features of Jaws/NVDA.
All I can really say is that I use WordPress for what I need without any
great difficulty.
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- Previous message: McMorland, Gabriel C: "Re: Screen reader accessible blog platforms?"
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