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Re: Question: inlne headings
From: Jonathan Metz
Date: Aug 19, 2013 7:22AM
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Hi Bevi,
Olaf¹s suggestion works, but is waaaay time consuming. I¹ve run into those
before (a lot, actually, for our client). I handle inline headings just as
you proposed, but splitting them up in Acrobat. It¹s way easier than
trying to get InDesign to work the way you want it to.
So, a long explanation would be to just select the text ³This report
presents national estimates of blue widgets² and create tag from selection
in Acrobat, giving it a P tag. Change the tag to Hn for Objective.
On 8/19/13 8:39 AM, "Olaf Drümmer" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>Hi Bevi,
>in InDesign it will require some annoying manual work but can be done -
>one example:
>put the run -in heading in its own text frame (can be part of the
>complete text chain), put that text frame on top of the text frame
>containing the continuation, make the text in that frame wrap around the
>frame used for the run-in heading; adjust the size of the small text
>frame containing the run=in heading to the proper size.
>Disclaimer: this proposal is not elegant! ;-)
>Maybe once Adobe takes their multi-channel publishing starting from
>InDesign beyond tablet centric fixed layout thinking, we can hope for
>advanced style sheet options, where a paragraph does not have to start on
>a new line. (but just continue where the previous paragraph stopped)
>Am 17 Aug 2013 um 18:48 schrieb Chagnon | PubCom < <EMAIL REMOVED> >:
>> Thanks, Patarick. That looks like it would work in HTML and eventually
>>in EPUB3 (which is based on HTML5 and CSS).
>> In this case, these publications are designed in Adobe InDesign and
>>converted to PDF where <DIV>, .classes, and CSS controls are not
>> So it looks like the InDesign layout won't be able to format and
>>convert an inline head for the PDF.
>> Bevi
>> PubCom.com Trainers, Consultants, Designers, and Developers.
>> Print, Web, Acrobat, XML, eBooks, and U.S. Federal Section 508
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