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Re: Opera 7 beta2, even more help to check accessibility
From: Tom Gilder
Date: Dec 21, 2002 11:30AM
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- Previous message in Thread: Timothy Luoma: "Re: Opera 7 beta2, even more help to check accessibility"
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On Saturday, December 21, 2002, 5:04:15 PM, Timothy Luoma wrote:
> > > Opera has made it much easier for users to customize the User
> > > Interface of Opera, including reconfiguring menus and adding
> > > your own keyboard shortcuts
> >
> > It's a shame that Opera haven't provided (and I doubt will provide) a
> > UI to edit such things though
> So Opera is criticized for not making something *easier* when the
> other two have no way to do it at all? Shame on them for trying, I guess.
Having editable menus and shortcuts is excellent. Having to edit INI
configuration files is not.
> > my guess is that editing INI files using a screenreader *really*
> > isn't fun...
> They are plain text files, I would expect most folks using a screen reader
> would find that a common experience (editiing a text file). How would a
> GUI make this easiesr for them?
They're plain-text files, yes, but not exactly the easiest thing to
edit (even for me). A simple UI would allow jumping to specific
shortcuts and allow listing of everything you can assign a shortcut
to. It would be easier for everyone.
Tom Gilder
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- Next message: Jukka Korpela: "RE: HowTo provide the user the ability to turn refresh off?"
- Previous message: Timothy Luoma: "Re: Opera 7 beta2, even more help to check accessibility"
- Next message in Thread: Frank Gaine: "What is Dynamic Content?"
- Previous message in Thread: Timothy Luoma: "Re: Opera 7 beta2, even more help to check accessibility"
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