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Re: Screen reader indications of underlined or strike-through text
From: Steve Faulkner
Date: Jun 17, 2014 11:55PM
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- Next message in Thread: Liko, Todd: "Re: Screen reader indications of underlined or strike-through text"
- Previous message in Thread: Sean Curtis: "Re: Screen reader indications of underlined or strike-through text"
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On 18 June 2014 01:46, Jared Smith < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> The solution is for screen readers to get their act together and
> support this basic markup. It's maddening that screen readers still
> don't support basic, two-decade-old HTML like <strong> and <em>.
whilst I agree its a hack, it may be a necessary one for legal documents at
this time. Its also not only screen readers who need to get their act
together, its browsers that need to convey the semantics of the HTML
features via accessibility APIs, which in most instances for text level
semantics they do not.
HTML 5.1 <http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/>
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- Previous message: Sean Curtis: "Re: Screen reader indications of underlined or strike-through text"
- Next message in Thread: Liko, Todd: "Re: Screen reader indications of underlined or strike-through text"
- Previous message in Thread: Sean Curtis: "Re: Screen reader indications of underlined or strike-through text"
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