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Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?
From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: Jul 13, 2014 3:12PM
- Next message: Olaf Drümmer: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
- Previous message: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
- Next message in Thread: Olaf Drümmer: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
- Previous message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
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Maybe some of these articles will help.
First, what do you know? WebAIM has an article on Powerpoint accessibility:
There are a couple of sections about powerPoint in this document from
TX, twoard the end:
And these cheat sheets from NCDAE:
While I realize that these may not *focus* on creating accessible
HTML, they should improve what you create and save. I've never found
what's saved from Office to be clean HTML; I've always felt I needed
to tweak it.
- Next message: Olaf Drümmer: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
- Previous message: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
- Next message in Thread: Olaf Drümmer: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
- Previous message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: Question: How to convert a PowerPoint into an accessible page?"
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