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Which A.T. uses the R.O.?
From: Chagnon | PubCom
Date: Aug 5, 2014 10:46AM
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Doing research and need to clarify which assistive technologies use a PDF's
reading order (not the tag reading order but the blue Z "Order" tool in
Acrobat or the Reflow utility).
So far I've identified braille keyboards and braille printers. I believe
some older versions of screen readers use it, too.
Are there any other A.T. for blind and visually impaired users that use it?
And are there any A.T. for users with mobility disabilities that use it?
-Bevi Chagnon
www.PubCom.com <http://www.pubcom.com/> - Trainers, Consultants, Designers,
Print, Web, Acrobat, XML, eBooks, and U.S. Federal Section 508
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