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RE: Section 508 and Military Intranet
From: Michael Goddard
Date: Jan 10, 2003 9:53AM
- Next message: Michael R. Burks: "RE: Section 508 and Military Intranet"
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- Previous message in Thread: Birdsell, John: "RE: Section 508 and Military Intranet"
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That has been considered and the section of the intranet that is being
considered for 508 compliance is restricted to military personnel only. No
civilian employees will have access to this area.
I have no problems with making everything 508 compliant, however I want to
be able to let the client know all of the options before giving my
Thank you for the suggestion and information.
- Next message: Michael R. Burks: "RE: Section 508 and Military Intranet"
- Previous message: Birdsell, John: "RE: Section 508 and Military Intranet"
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- Previous message in Thread: Birdsell, John: "RE: Section 508 and Military Intranet"
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