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Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website
From: John E Brandt
Date: Aug 25, 2014 9:33AM
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- Next message in Thread: Jordan Wilson: "Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website"
- Previous message in Thread: Don Mauck: "Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website"
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I've embedded the three articles/links in a blog post that I did over the weekend.
All of the links are working from my page:
Short URL:
I am working on a pro-active article to distribute to schools in state showing how they can test their sites for accessibility. Suggestions are always welcome.
As luck would have it, I will also be presenting a session at our in-state school technology conference in October on exactly this topic.
John E. Brandt
jebswebs: accessible and universal web design,
development and consultation
Augusta, Maine, USA
- Next message: Jordan Wilson: "Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website"
- Previous message: Lewis, Sunshine T.: "Re: Contrast Checker for rgba Color Values (and hello from anew list subscriber)"
- Next message in Thread: Jordan Wilson: "Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website"
- Previous message in Thread: Don Mauck: "Re: Blind mother sues Seattle schools over website"
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