WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

E-mail List Archives

Re: page check?


From: Michael Roush
Date: Feb 11, 2003 9:59AM


I'm new to the list, but I have been dealing with web accessibility issues
for almost three years now. I am thrilled to find this list. From the
archives, I recognize some of the names from other groups I am/have been
part of over the years.

> http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/test/anotherNewHome/
> I used one of those new-fangled JS/CSS menus that uses actual HTML lists -
in a text browser, the full lists are shown...these are pretty long lists.
> 1) are they too long/annoying?

On the contrary, I think they are fine. From a visual standpoint, they look
good - much better than they would if they didn't start in a "contracted"

> when I saw them w/out CSS, it occurred to me that a "skip nav" link might
be appropriate at the beginning of each sub-list.
> 2) is that overkill?

For the current system you have set up, I would say no. But, perhaps a
better solution (and one that would further aid people whose browsers don't
or can't support Javascript) would be to include a text-based site map.
Your site is extensive, and well-organized. I think it might help if that
outline was available in an additional format.

The position of that menu itself is a problem. It shows up in two totally
different places on IE6.0.2800 and NN7.01 (1280