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RE: JAWS and online forms question
From: Joel Sanda
Date: Feb 20, 2003 2:47PM
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Without seeing your HTML this is a little tricky to diagnose.
However - I'm not sure it's all that unreasonable to expect users to switch
modes. That's why the modes are there: forms, table, and 'normal' mode for
JAWS is what provides the flexibility. If a JAWS user cannot or doesn't know
how to swtich modes they will likely have extreme difficulties on most sites
- even adhering to Section 508 provisions.
One final thought: is it possible to construct the form so the user doesn't
need all the instructions? For example: input field 1 should be linked to a
label element that states what the form is for. Since JAWS will announce the
presence of a form, the user will know to use the "enter" key to enter forms
mode and begin entering text, based upon the fields description in the label
Joel Sanda, M.A.
Standards & Accessibility Consultant
Consulting Services Group
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