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RE: JAWS and online forms question


From: John Foliot - bytown internet
Date: Feb 20, 2003 5:18PM


define "long".

If it's not *too* long, you might consider wrapping the entire expalation in
the <label> element, especially if it is crucial information. Using Fields
sets may also aid in navigating your form:

<form action="foo">

<fieldset title="Field One">
<legend>Field One</legend>
<p>This is a long instruction on how to correctly fill out field 1, plus any
reference information which might be needed.</p>

<label for="field_one">Field1 Label:</label><input type="text"
name="field_one" id="field_one" title="Possible inclusion of explanation

<fieldset title="Field Two">
<legend>Field Two</legend>
<label for="field_two"><p>This is a long instruction on how to correctly
fill out
field 2, plus any reference information which might be needed.</p>

Field2 Label:</label><input type="text" name="field_two" id="field_two">


I tested this in HPR, and the second fieled carried the explanation forward
when using "Link" mode (similar to JAWs Forms Mode)

Just a thought... requires real world testing

