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On forms again RE: webaim-forum-d Digest V2003 #44


From: Jim Thatcher
Date: Feb 25, 2003 3:52PM

Thanks for the plug, Leah, but I'm sorry to say that I don't agree that
http://www.ma.doe.gov/web.html has the problems you describe. I wish that
the individual form controls had label elements around each prompt thus
programmatically connecting the prompt with the control, but the positions
of the prompts in this case work; the prompts are spoken with each control
with HPR, JAWS and Window-Eyes. I believe that is good enough. As far as the
tables go - the page reads (linearizes) just fine.

One might argue that if the text separating groups of controls was also
spoken then that would improve accessibility. True, but it is not
unreasonable to expect that if, when hearing "capacity" and "organization",
one moves back a couple of lines to hear the text in front of these fields:
"Affiliation: If writing on behalf of an organization, union, association,
group, or country, please include its full name and your relationship

(e.g., position, member, citizen)?" So I don't think that text has to be
automatically spoken in forms mode.


508 Web Accessibility Tutorial http://jimthatcher.com/webcourse1.htm.

"Constructing Accessible Web Sites:" http://jimthatcher.com/news.htm