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accessibility of WordPress share widget -- Shareaholic


From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: May 2, 2016 1:11PM

Greetings WebAIM list (and others who are bcc-ed):

Apologies for any duplication.

I'm assessing a WordPress project that uses Shareaholic, a WordPress
share widget plugin:


As far as I can tell, this widget is not accessible, at least to a
screen reader. When I look at it with a screen reader, I see the heading
for it, but the area below is "blank."

And if I look at an article where items have been shared, I see numbers
(that are not links but text), and the numbers can be activated so that
they go to their corresponding site(s).

Has anyone had experience working with this vendor to make the product
accessible? Does anyone have a personal contact? Or has anyone improved
its functionality and can share that implementation with me? It appears
as if improvements can be requested, via Git. Maybe an approach would be
to post the issue and see if I can muster enough folks to "vote it up."

I'm asking as I'd prefer not to reinvent the wheel if anyone knows any
useful history.

The folks I'm working with would prefer not to switch. But of course, I
do know that there are other accessible options for share plugins, such
as via the Web Experience Toolkit from Canada.

Thanks for any thoughts.