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Re: Seeking input on SC 2.4.7 & Screen Readers


From: Jonathan Avila
Date: May 3, 2016 11:52AM

> However, when I enable JAWS or NVDA, this visible focus is lost.

Hi Nicole, with JAWS in virtual cursor mode the focus is not moved to an element when you arrow to it -- only when you tab. With NVDA and some other screen readers the element is focused when you arrow to it in browse mode. I noticed that even though links in IE are focused by NVDA no focus outline appears. In Firefox the focus outline does appear on links when you arrow to them with NVDA. So what you are experiencing seems like normal behavior -- perhaps with a bug in how NVDA and IE work. NVDA and IE have some known issues and JAWS works this way by design. So as long as the focus indicator is shown without AT running and the AT can identify the programmatic focus it should be fine. Some ATs provide their own focus indicators based on programmatic focus being set but JAWS and NVDA do not. There is a plug-in though for NVDA.


Jonathan Avila
Chief Accessibility Officer
703.637.8957 (Office)

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