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Implicit labeling dropped from WCAG?


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: May 5, 2016 4:55PM

Me and a few colleagues ran into an issue with Voiceover on iOS 9 and
implicitly labeled radiobuttons.
For those who do not know, implicit labeling is when you wrap the form
field to be labeled along with the label text in a label tag, like so:
<label><input type="text" size="30">Please enter your name.</label>

This is valid use of the label tag per HTML5 specification.
But there used to be a WCAG technique that recommended implicit labeling.
That technique is apparently deprecated.
Does this mean that WCAG no longer recommends implicit labeling of form fields?
If so, why?
If anybody knows the background on this, I'd be curious.

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