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Re: Seeking input on SC 2.4.7 & Screen Readers


From: James Nurthen
Date: May 5, 2016 5:30PM

In Firefox you can also set preferences in about:config to always show a
focus indicator as well as changing the style of that iindicator. The main
one is *browser. display. focus_ring_on_anything
<http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything>;* The
following preferences are available

*browser. display. focus_background_color
<http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.display.focus_background_color>;* String The
default color for the background of focused elements as a hex code. Default
value is *#117722*. Requires that *browser.display.use_focus_colors* be true
*browser. display. focus_ring_on_anything
<http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything>;* Boolean
*True*: Display the focus ring (normally only shown on links) on anything
*False* (default): Display the focus ring on links only
*browser. display. focus_ring_width
<http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.display.focus_ring_width>;* Integer
the display of the focus ring around focused elements.
*0*: Hide focus ring
*1* (default): Dots around focused elements will be displayed with a 1
pixel border
*(n)*: Display dots with a width of *n* pixels around focused elements
*browser. display. focus_text_color* String The default color for the text
of focused elements as a hex code. Default value is *#ffffff*. Requires
that *browser.display.use_focus_colors* be true
*browser. display. use_focus_colors* Boolean *True*: Set colors on focused
items according to preferences
*False* (default): Do not set colors on focused items
I've found that focus_ring_on_anything and focus_ring_width work pretty
well on most pages. Changing the colors works well on some pages but
sometimes causes text to become illegible on focus.


On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 7:09 AM, < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Thank you, Jennifer, for linking to that. For those of you who, like me,
> are sighted accessibility professionals, you might find Focus Highlight
> invaluable. I never really understood the way screen reader focusing
> and buffers work until I installed that plug-in. Now I only barely
> understand it, which is better than not understanding at all.
> (As a keyboard/voice user, I've also written a Stylish style for Firefox
> which always shows the keyboard focus, because I'm exasperated with
> offscreen, hidden, or too-subtle to see focus. When I have finished
> debugging some weirdness that happened with modals or certain off-screen
> or Z-index conditions, I will be happy to share it.)
> Deborah Kaplan
> On Tue, 3 May 2016, Jennifer Sutton wrote:
> For those who may be unaware, I'll provide the link to the Focus Highlight
>> Plugin for NVDA which is the one I believe Jonathan meant when he wrote, in
>> part:
>> "There is a plug-in though for NVDA."
>> I believe this is a link to the most recent version:
>> http://addons.nvda-project.org/addons/focusHighlight.en.html
>> In addition, I'll mention that both JFW and NVDA have ways to display the
>> textual representation of what each screen reader is speaking. Using this
>> can be faster for those who are not used to listening to text-to-speech,
>> and it can also save time, when writing reports, since you can "copy and
>> paste." Yes, I realize this may be slightly off-topic, but I think many
>> Windows users who have vision and are learning to test with a screen reader
>> may not realize that JFW and NVDA can do something visually similar to what
>> VO can do on the Mac.
>> Best,
>> Jennifer
>> On 5/3/2016 10:52 AM, Jonathan Avila wrote:
>>> However, when I enable JAWS or NVDA, this visible focus is lost.
>>> Hi Nicole, with JAWS in virtual cursor mode the focus is not moved to an
>> element when you arrow to it -- only when you tab. With NVDA and some
>> other screen readers the element is focused when you arrow to it in browse
>> mode. I noticed that even though links in IE are focused by NVDA no focus
>> outline appears. In Firefox the focus outline does appear on links when
>> you arrow to them with NVDA. So what you are experiencing seems like
>> normal behavior -- perhaps with a bug in how NVDA and IE work. NVDA and IE
>> have some known issues and JAWS works this way by design. So as long as
>> the focus indicator is shown without AT running and the AT can identify the
>> programmatic focus it should be fine. Some ATs provide their own focus
>> indicators based on programmatic focus being set but JAWS and NVDA do not.
>> There is a plug-in though for NVDA.
>>> Jonathan
>>> Jonathan Avila
>>> Chief Accessibility Officer
>>> SSB BART Group
>>> 703.637.8957 (Office)
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