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Master Programs in Universal Design


From: Brandon Keith Biggs
Date: May 11, 2016 11:11PM

I would like to do product design in the private sector focusing on
Universal Design. What master programs are there that would be good for
this? Here is what I have found:

Toronto has a program in Inclusive design:
This is the best I have found hands down.

Next is the NC State University masters (where the UD principals were

ICE at Buffalo has a MS in engineering:

I have a music major with a minor in marketing, so an MS may not be
Thus saying, I do beta testing for everything I can in relation to screen
reader access, I program and I do Arduino building.
I originally was not wanting to go into accessibility, but there was a
moment a couple months ago when I realized that I was spending at least an
hour a day writing bug reports on software that I used. I also have a
talent where you give me any program and I can find a bug in about 5
minutes. I then learned about Universal Design and am now taking a product
design class and it is amazing.
Education is of particular interest to me as I have been in every single
educational setting one can think of (homeschool, public school, charter
school, private school, community college and public university) and I
currently work with my mom who is a Vision teacher.
There are several paths I could take and the two most practical ones are
1. I applied and was excepted to the teacher of the visually impaired
program at SFSU for the Fall. I could get my masters there, then after that
apply to get a PHD or second masters in inclusive design.
2. I could try and get in for the Fall to one of the programs above for the
fall, but I highly doubt I can. Rather, I could do a Udacity class or
something that will give me a piece of paper saying I have programmed next
year and apply to a masters in the Fall of 2017.

Another option is I could just continue doing what I am doing and get my
project management professional certification working with my mom.

What would best prepare me for working in the private sector in inclusive
Thank you,

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/>;