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Re: Danger! Testing Accessibility with real people — Medium


From: Brandon Keith Biggs
Date: May 11, 2016 11:37PM

I think if you bind keypress and keydown and stopPropogation you can grab
ctrl+tab. I got in trouble because I did that and could not alt+f4 out of
the window (although alt+space worked).
But I believe Jaws put in a key stroke to move between the tabs? that is
probably the best option.

Now I am wondering if there is any kind of tab widget for standard HTML? If
not, why? It would be very awesome if sighted users could use the same kind
of scripting as we do.
It would also allow blind users to recognize what is going on for sighted
users. Currently there is this strange divide between sighted and blind
developers where it is difficult for one to develop appealing GUIs for the
For example, when I am making web apps or sites, I have to have a sighted
person next to me telling me if my placement of text and or images works.
It is nice when I am in a word document that setting headings and bolding
text is both visible to me and to my sighted colleagues. But in just about
every other circumstance, what is optimal for sighted users is difficult
for me and what is optimal for me is difficult for sighted users.

For example, I developed a survey and I wrote it like this:
1. Favorite food?
A. pizza
B. Spaghetti
C. cabbage
D. bread and cheese

My sighted colleagues took it and did something like:
1. Favorite food?
A. Pizza C. Cabbage
B. Spaghetti D. Bread and Cheese

Which is not half as easy or clear to read for me. So how does one deal
with stuff like this in a way that would be best for boath parties?
One could use tables or CSS. But neither of those were obvious to us.

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/>;

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 8:46 AM, Bryan Garaventa <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Hi,
> Part of the issue has to do with browsers intercepting keystrokes such as
> control+tab to switch between browser panes, and if this is hijacked by
> scripting then it won't be possible to do so. In many ways we have to
> juggle keyboard interactions for native browser keystrokes versus assistive
> technology keystrokes versus programmed webpage keystrokes via scripting,
> and often this always causes conflicts with somebody. Also there is the
> issue of discoverability, so unfortunately it gets sort of complicated.
> As a point of note, we just finished the second half of our joint article,
> which has been published at "From HTML to ARIA Tabs, A Travelog |
> HackPoets" http://wp.me/p6Dp11-1X
> All the best,
> Bryan
> Bryan Garaventa
> Accessibility Fellow
> SSB BART Group, Inc.
> 415.624.2709 (o)
> www.SSBBartGroup.com