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Re: Travel Live departures and tables (Andrew Brandwood)


From: Andrew Brandwood
Date: May 12, 2016 12:51AM

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your reply. I guess that is my question. Should I create a table or a list. I am not visually impaired myself so looking at the results I can interperet them in anyway that is easiest to me. Be that a list of results or a table.

I will be marking up which ever direction I take in the correct markup and applying aria live where appropriate.

I have seen this data written in html in many different ways.

I guess I'm asking which works best for people using assistive tech. I imagine a table within a list would get confusing, but I am only presuming.

Rather than presuming I'd prefer to get it right and usable.


From: Mike Barlow < <EMAIL REMOVED> <mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> >>
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 8:05 pm
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Travel Live departures and tables (Andrew Brandwood)
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> <mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> >>

Well I would think that, since you're creating a "table of arrivals and
departures" that a (properly encoded with proper scoping of course) would
be the best course of action.
But you mention "live" will this be a page that will constantly be changing
(via JS updating the DOM directly) or would the user have to do a page
refresh to see any changes.
If the former, then I would also make use of ARIA Live Regions, that would
inform the user when any content changes

*Mike Barlow*
Web Application Developer
Web Accessibility/Section 508 SME

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On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Andrew Brandwood <
<EMAIL REMOVED> <mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> >> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am currently working on a large rail network provider's group of
> websites. I am interested in opinion on how best to mark up the HTML for
> assistive technologies for live departures and arivals.
> I have seen many different methods, but none are conclusive. If anyone as
> any feedback on what works best or is the worst experience you have
> encountered I would much appreciate any input.
> Currently I am considering one of the following
> A.) Table
> B.) Ordered list
> C.) A combination of the two. A list with a table nested.
> In the table would be headings of arrival time, destination, platform,
> further details.
> Any help on best practice or things to avoid in this instance would be
> much appreciated.
> Kind regards
> Andrew
> -
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