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Re: Header levels


From: Swift, Daniel P.
Date: Aug 3, 2016 8:55AM

You're mistaken -- H1 can appear multiple times on a page provided that you are using the html5 doctype and you are using sectioning content (article, aside, nav, section).

For instance, if you have an H1 at the top of the page, you cannot include another H1 in a child div ... ... you can have an additional H1 inside an aside that is within the same containing element as the H1.

As code:

Joseph -- You must always go in order ... you cannot start with an h3 for example.


-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ] On Behalf Of Jamous, JP
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 10:45 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Header levels


There should only be one H1 on a page and should be present after your site header.

As far as H2 onward, you use those as your page content requires. For example,
H2 Computer parts
H3 Hard Drives
H3 SSD Drives
H2 Computer Accessories
H3 Keyboards
H4 Standard Keyboards
H4 Ergonomic Keyboards
H4 Bluetooth Keyboards
H2 Servers
H2 Networking
H2 Phones

You get the idea.

I believe Aside would work just find for your side panels. They complement the header and footer.
-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ] On Behalf Of Joseph Sherman
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 9:34 AM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List' < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: [WebAIM] Header levels

Am I correct that best practice is to use h1-h6 tags to represent rank of content, and separate that from styling of the text? So you generally do not use heading tags to change how text looks on the page.

Also, should sidebars and all other left and right non-navigation content be in <aside>? What level heading? Is it ok to use h3 as first header in <aside> and <footer>?
