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Re: Mysterious JAWS voice change
From: Jamous, JP
Date: Aug 9, 2016 7:26AM
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I did not, but as I stated, I got a voice drop when I was typing in the Google search box. Rocko fired up at a lower pitch and rate.
I believe I shift + tabbed to the text box and started typing before Read, my PCCursor, stopped talking. At that point, Rocko came in cutting off Read. So there is some type of latency somewhere. Maybe the synthesizer is not flushing everything in the RAM when it is interrupted.
In other words,
1. read is talking, it's info is in the heap.
2. Rocko's info is already in the heap in the queue.
3. As I type quickly interrupting Read, JAWS flushes the cell in the heap for read but starts processing Rocko, which is in the queue. Until I start typing a few keystrokes, then Rocko is flushed and my typing starts sounding out.
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