WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: Skip Links and ARIA Landmarks for Sighted Users


From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: Aug 10, 2016 11:47AM

Since we have been having this discussion here on WebAIM, for many years
now ...

And as far as I know, browser vendors don't read this list . . .

What can be done to productively advocate for this change to have
browser vendors include methods for navigating by headings and
landmarks, for all users?

Have there been bugs filed against all browsers, for example, so that
people who follow such things more closely than I do could post such
links, and people who want to can comment on the bugs/vote them up, or
whatever where browser vendors will see?

For example, what about Edge, since Microsoft seems to be being so
visible with its accessibility efforts, of late?

As far as I can tell, repeating ourselves here on the list is not helping.
