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Re: form accessibility


From: Jim Homme
Date: Aug 10, 2016 5:46PM

The convention, if you separate the labels from the check boxes or radio buttons is to put the label tag after the control in the HTML order. If you're unable to do this, I would put the label tag in there and the input tag inside. If you choose to do it that way, it's still a good idea to put the actual label text after, as in right before the closing label syntax. And if you choose to put the input tag in the label tag, you don't have to do for and id. They are implied. Just remember, though, that if you separate them later, you have to put them back in. It's probably overkill, but I'd use them, so I wouldn't have to remember to include them.



=========Jim Homme,
Accessibility Consultant,
Bender HighTest Accessibility Team
Bender Consulting Services, Inc.,