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JAWS, NVDA, and Captivate


From: Alan Zaitchik
Date: Aug 11, 2016 6:28AM

We are required to deliver a project to a Federal agency in Captivate. We have it working in NVDA, but not in JAWS (v16). Legally/contractually we have been given an "exemption" by the client, so my question is not legal/contractual but ethical/professional: would people with sight disabilities prefer to be told that the project only works well with the NVDA screen reader, or to be given an alternative text-only (web pages) version with all the same informational content as the Captivate site that any screen reader could handle. I know someone is bound to say "Do both", but there is no money to do both. The site has no real interactivity so the text only version is effectively an "equivalent alternative" presentation- just much harder to comprehend as its presented and to retain. I suppose another alternative might be to make audio recordings of some of the material, just to 'break it up" a bit, but that would be even more out of scope for the budget.
My blood boils that a Federal agency would require us to use Captivate, but... I have fought and lost that battle. (In fact I mentioned this many posts ago in this forum.)