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RE: Is this menu accessible?
From: julian.rickards
Date: Jul 4, 2003 12:03PM
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Do you have an example I could see? I am still having trouble previsualizing
> > I am having a bit of trouble trying to pre-visualize your
> menu but I
> > think I have it. What it appears to me is that you have the
> link text
> > (such as "home", "products", "services", etc) as alt text for the
> > graphic links as well as within the span.
Let me try again.
> Correct, except that the image will not have text, but just be a
> transparent clickable link, and just a square on the left end
> of the li.
> I plan to pull it out to full link width with css. That same css will
> make the span go away.
The square is a graphic? If so, why not use
li {list-style-image: url(/path-to/square.gif);}
and then you don't need to worry about alt text and you could make the
spanned text "unspanned" and visible.
Does my work at http://cuac.org/miss_org/index.php resemble what you are
trying to do? The left navbar is styled using CSS although each link is an
anchor within a paragrah such as <p><a href="">link text</a></p> rather than
a list.
However, at work we use a list of links such as
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