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RE: Is this menu accessible?
From: Big John
Date: Jul 4, 2003 12:22PM
- Next message: Shawn Lawton Henry: "WAI Web Accessibility Training, 18 July 2003, California - registration this week, no fee"
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julian rickards wrote:
> Do you have an example I could see? I am still having
> trouble previsualizing it.
I'm writing it now.
> > Correct, except that the image will not have text, but just be a
> > transparent clickable link, and just a square on the left end
> > of the li.
> > I plan to pull it out to full link width with css. That same css will
> > make the span go away.
> The square is a graphic? If so, why not use
> li {list-style-image: url(/path-to/square.gif);}
> and then you don't need to worry about alt text and you could make the
> spanned text "unspanned" and visible.
The typical user will see the link BG image as the link, not knowing that
what they are clicking is actually a transparent gif covering the BG. The
span is removed via css. A visible span would interfere with seeing the BG.
The gif will only be a square if css is off, when it will serve as a
convenient spacer between the inline link spans.
This allows a full image css rollover without the accessability issue
associated with the lack of link content. That's the idea, anyway.
Big John
| Perennial student + Impractical joker + CSS junkie = Big John |
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- Next message: Shawn Lawton Henry: "WAI Web Accessibility Training, 18 July 2003, California - registration this week, no fee"
- Previous message: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: Is this menu accessible?"
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- Previous message in Thread: julian.rickards@ndm.gov.on.ca: "RE: Is this menu accessible?"
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