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Re: Vibrating phone on invalid input entry


From: JP Jamous
Date: Oct 8, 2016 8:50AM

FYI, I got the iPhone 7 Plus for my wife yesterday. It has that 3D digital touch, meaning when you press the menu button or the screen you feel it bending under your finger like you just pressed on a sand bag or a stress ball.

I also noticed that vibration is a standard of iPhone 7. So when you press the menu button it activates voiceover and vibrates as well.

Just mentioning this to alert you that some app manufacturers are probably doing this to provide that 3D touch experience. I do agree with all of you that it has 0 to do with error alertness. That should be either by voiceover through ARIA or some noise. However, it could come handy if someone has blindness and some hearing loss as the vibration can be an additional sign of alertness.

We all know though that for app manufacturers, for the most part, that is not their concern at all. They just want to provide that 3D touch for users period.

I thought, I'd give you folks a head's up so you know.