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Can I make my family tree chart accessible?
From: Brent Ashworth
Date: Jul 19, 2003 11:38AM
- Next message: Terence de Giere : "Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible"
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- Next message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible?"
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Hi. I created a chart of several generations of my ancestors by using a table with lots of cells and generous use of rowspan and colspan. How exactly would using CSS instead make it accessible when page readers read tables in a linear fashion? Could someone please check out the chart on my site and help me create css code to make the chart appear the same but be accessible? My site is at:
- Next message: Terence de Giere : "Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible"
- Previous message: Rachel S.: "Re: Showing and hiding data"
- Next message in Thread: Kynn Bartlett: "Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible?"
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