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Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible
From: Terence de Giere
Date: Jul 20, 2003 7:04PM
- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible "
- Previous message: Brent Ashworth: "Can I make my family tree chart accessible?"
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Brent --
You could try nested definition lists. I have used these for
organizational charts. Still, it can get pretty complex with this many
levels. However tables are probably more difficult to figure out. I
think a graphic for sighted users, and definition lists, <DL>, for
readers and text browsers would produce the best results. The definition
term <DT> would be, say, "Parents", and the definition <DD>their names
(each one in a DD element under the "Parents" term. Some additional
identifying text would be needed. There is an HTML attachment to this
email, that will probably get stripped off the forum with a partial
example. CSS can be used to get a clearer format for visual users
reading a definition list.
Terence de Giere
===============Brent Ashworth wrote:
Hi. I created a chart of several generations of my ancestors by using a
table with lots of cells and generous use of rowspan and colspan. How
exactly would using CSS instead make it accessible when page readers
read tables in a linear fashion? Could someone please check out the
chart on my site and help me create css code to make the chart appear
the same but be accessible? My site is at:
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;
<TITLE>Family Tree</TITLE>
<DT>Current Generation</DT>
<DD>Name: Brent Ashworth
<DD>Father: Warren Ashworth
<DT>Paternal Grandparents</DT>
<DD>Paternal Grandfather: Sidney Ashworth</DD>
<DD>Paternal Grandmother: Violetta Sponberg
<DD>Mother: Carolyn La Tourette
<DT>Maternal Grandparents</DT>
<DD>Maternal Grandfather: Donald La Tourette</DD>
<DD>Maternal Grandmother: Elsa Ehlers</DD>
- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Can I make my family tree chart accessible "
- Previous message: Brent Ashworth: "Can I make my family tree chart accessible?"
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