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Menus and toolbar navigation, and auto text update.


From: Sean Murphy
Date: Dec 5, 2016 5:18PM


A query in relation to menus, toolbars and text being automatically updated on a web page.

Is there any best practise in relation to menu navigation? I have seen multiple approaches. Some refer to the use of the tab/shift tab keys. Other refer to using arrow keys as done under OS's. My view is the use of arrow keys to navigate the menu with the enter key to activate the option. As the tab key is used for setting focus to a specific element. Thus why I don't think it is the best approach plus OS's have been using the arrow keys for ages.

Likewise, using the arrow keys to navigate and pressing enter to activate options is this the best approach?

dynamic text:

I am creating a test page for learning purposes and want to ensure I am on the right path for accessibility. I have created a very basic calculator. If you press a number which is a button. The result area of the screen is updated. Thus if you press buttons 1, 2, and 3. The result area says 123. If you press the backspace button, then the last number is deleted. I was thinking of using ARIA here to announce the number being changed.

Is this the correct approach or not?
