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Re: iframe Video


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Dec 5, 2016 11:24AM

Makesure the player also has a button for toggling closed captions
(when they are available, per WCAG 1.2.2).
That button should be keyboard accessible and properly marked for
screen reader users.
It should also support integration of an audiodescription channel, and
the UI should have a button for toggling audio descriptions where
This requirement is trickier. Often people just go with creating an
alternative version of the video with audio descriptions built-in,
rather than adding a separate audio track.
It is good to make video player vendors aware of this requirement (WCAG 1.2.5).
Personally, even though I am blind myself, I'd prefer it if the audio
description requirement to be AAA, and make an extended transcript
requirement a AA instead.
But that is a discussion left for another day.

On 12/5/16, JP Jamous < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Thank you Birkir. I suggested the same things you mentioned in your reply.
> The cool part is that the video does not start automatically. The player
> also has buttons to turn up or down the volume of the player only without
> impacting the system volume.