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Braille Displays


From: JP Jamous
Date: Dec 6, 2016 3:03AM

I would be highly appreciated if anyone can shed some light on this
situation that I have. I tried to research the web but was not lucky in
finding any useful information.

A client wishes to make his application screen reader and Braille Display
accessible. As I have never used a Braille Display before, I started
wondering and noticed that to have a Braille Display running, you ought to
have a screen reader running. Am I correct or wrong?

I am going through the WCAG audit for the client's application and it sure
fails many success criteria. My hope is to get the audit done and once that
is complete, the application will be accessible via Braille Displays as long
as JAWS or NVDA are running and support the drivers for the particular
Braille Display that will be used.

I would appreciate any feedback on my thought process. You may e-mail me off
the list since this is sort of an off-topic in a way. <EMAIL REMOVED> . Thank
you folks.