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Re: Making Sure of ARIA Screen Reading Settings


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Dec 6, 2016 7:28PM

Well. Part of the problem is that the ARIA standards are largely
formulated without participation from the screen reader vendors.
There is some participation, for instance from Apple, but it feels
like the assistive technology vendors have too little participation in
a standard they are meant to implement (along with the browsers).
I honestly don't think we're bashing anybody, just pointing out that
accessibility is tricky, because it depends on so many agents having a
shared understanding of a standard and the technical ability to
implement the standard in their user agents.
Let's remember that:
* The author writes the code.
* The browser takes the code, creates the DOM and maps it to the
operating systems accessibility API (which has to support all the
functionality desired by the standard, we have 5 or 6 different
accessibility APIs across the major operating systems).
* The assistive technology has to query the accessibility API
correctly and turn it into an experience that balances what is
dictated by the standard with what the end users are used to, and what
works best for them. Keep in mind that e.g. a screen reader may not
have direct control over the text-to-speech engine, or braille
display, there is yet another layer of communication there that has to
support the desired behavior.
And, like with any other interaction, the users have to know their
technology and use it correctly.

We're constantly pushing the envelope, creating new web-based controls
and interactions, and it is hard for standards and technologies to
keep up.
It can be done. But we need a combination of activism, shared
understanding and patience to make things happen.

On 12/6/16, Jim Homme < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi,
> This is absolutely not meant to bash screen reader vendors, because I would
> be on Public Assistance without a screen reader. I can understand why it
> frustrates developers who have a good heart, and try to follow standards,
> only to find out that they have spent that time in vain. I completely
> realize that a lot of ARIA support is still evolving. I probably shouldn't
> be posting this here. I'm trying to post in the best possible spirit. It
> makes accessibility advocates look bad when we can't count on AT stepping up
> and adhering to them, no matter why. Please forgive this possible
> negativity.
> Jim
> =========> Jim Homme,
> Team Lead and Accessibility Consultant,
> Bender HighTest Accessibility Team
> Bender Consulting Services, Inc.,
> 412-787-8567,
> http://www.benderconsult.com/our%20services/hightest-accessible-technology-solutions
> E+R=O