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Re: A11y Responsibility Matrix


From: Caitlin Geier
Date: Dec 7, 2016 9:36AM

In a similar vein to the WAI-Engage breakdown, the Interactive WCAG 2.0
<http://code.viget.com/interactive-wcag/#responsibility=&;levelª> lets you
filter WCAG success criteria by role responsibility. It's a bit more

I think the assumption here is that QA and developers are responsible for
implementing and testing everything on the list, but some decisions about
accessibility are better made by UX, design, or content people. So in the
design phase, workflows, designs and content should be reviewed based on
the applicable success criteria before going into development.

User research and project management don't really get covered here, though,
as their roles in the process are more holistic. In my view, a PM is
responsible for making sure there's enough time and resources throughout
the software lifecycle to incorporate and test for accessibility. User
researchers should make sure to include users with disabilities in
interviews, user testing, etc.

From personal experience, I've also found it helps to have at least one
person on the team who can act as an accessibility champion in addition to
their normal role. That person doesn't necessarily have to be an
accessibility expert; they just have to be interested, willing to learn,
willing to help others on the team, and willing and able to reach out for
help. The key is to make sure if someone on the team takes on that
responsibility, that they are given the time and resources to learn.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Thomas Lee McKeithan II <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> Thanks a nillion.
> Respectfully,
> Thomas Lee McKeithan II | Optum Technology Solutions
> Electronic Accessibility Engineer, UX Design Studio (UXDS)
> MD018, 6220 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia, MD, 21045, USA
> T +1 443-896-0432
> M +1 202-276-6437
> www.optum.com