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Re: Transitions causing motion sickness - WCAG failure and how to handle?


From: JP Jamous
Date: Dec 22, 2016 6:43AM


I just remembered something that used to happen with me in the car when I was sighted. I could never read in a car for a long period of time. I would get motion sickness as well. Mind you that I can handle the rockiest boat on a lake or in the ocean without an issue. The only thing I know of that would give me motion sickness is being in a car and reading with my eyes, which I cannot do anymore.

I say that to second you on this one. I may if I could see get motion sickness from such a thing. What if I am in a car and I am looking at this site. Will the motion sickness double or cancel out? That would be something interesting to try. If you test it make sure someone else is driving or let us know so we can stay off the streets.