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Re: Alt text in Word 2016: Indicate null image & which box to type in


From: Jim Allan
Date: Jan 23, 2017 11:46AM

Updated for JAWS 18 and Word 2016
things that are added to the word 2013 and jaws 17 behavior are marked
by **additional
stuff spoken** and bold
things that are not spoken as previous version are marked with [[stuff no
longer true]]

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 8:50 AM, Moore,Michael (Accessibility) (HHSC) <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

> The behavior that I get with Word 2013 and JAWS 17, admittedly a little
> out of date, is somewhat bizarre.
> My test document has three images. All images are placed in-line with the
> text
> 1. Picture with title and description
> 2. Picture with title only
> 3. Picture with description only
> JAWS 18 and Word 2016
1. In edit mode reading by line nothing is announced for any of images JAWS
just says blank.
2. In edit mode reading by word the title is announced if it is present.
3. In edit mode reading by character the title is announced if present. If
only the description is present the description is read and the first word
of the description is announced in the voice used for the title.**and The
dimensions of the graphic is announced. All images are followed by the
word "graphic"**
4. In edit mode reading using say all. **All are preceded by the word
"graphic". All dimensions are announced** Both the title and description
are read and JAWS tells you which is the title and an which is the
description unless only a description is present. In this case JAWS just
reads the description. the size of the image is announced. [[Also in this
mode the title and description are read twice for each image]].
5. In quick keys mode reading by paragraph. JAWS will only announce the
title and ignores the description. Thus if only a description is present
JAWS will announce "blank" for the image. **if title present the word
"graphic" is announced first, title is read and dimensions are spoken**
6. In quick keys mode reading by graphic. JAWS will only announce the
description and ignores the title. Thus if only a title is present JAWS
will only tell you that a picture is present.

**the word "picture" is announced before each image, no dimensions spoken.**
NVDA 2016.4 and Word 2016
1. In edit mode reading line by line all are preceded by "graphic" If
description is present it is given preference and spoken. If only title is
present it is spoken.
2. In edit mode reading by word all are preceded by "graphic" If
description is present it is given preference and spoken. If only title is
present it is spoken.
3. In edit mode reading by character all are preceded by "graphic" If
description is present it is given preference and spoken. If only title is
present it is spoken.
4. In quick keys mode reading by graphic all are preceded by "graphic" If
description is present it is given preference and spoken. If only title is
present it is spoken.

Jaws 17 and Word 2013

> 1. In edit mode reading by line nothing is announced for any of images
> JAWS just says blank.
> 2. In edit mode reading by word the title is announced if it is present.
> 3. In edit mode reading by character the title is announced if present. If
> only the description is present the description is read and the first word
> of the description is announced in the voice used for the title.
> 4. In edit mode reading using say all. Both the title and description are
> read and JAWS tells you which is the title and an which is the description
> unless only a description is present. In this case JAWS just reads the
> description. Also in this mode the title and description are read twice for
> each image and the size of the image is announced.
> 5. In quick keys mode reading by paragraph. JAWS will only announce the
> title and ignores the description. Thus if only a description is present
> JAWS will announce "blank" for the image.
> 6. In quick keys mode reading by graphic. JAWS will only announce the
> description and ignores the title. Thus if only a title is present JAWS
> will only tell you that a picture is present.
> JAWS Keys used for reference:
> In edit mode - moving forward through the document
> Reading by line use the down arrow
> Reading by word use control+left arrow
> Reading by character use left arrow
> Reading say all go to the top of the page control+home then insert+down
> arrow.
> To get to quick keys mode use insert+z
> Reading by paragraph use the p key
> Reading by graphic use the g key
> I am not sure what all of this means in terms of what to recommend a best
> practice for graphics is word documents. Just that life as a JAWS user can
> be interesting. If the document is to be converted to PDF or HTML for
> publication use the description field. This will save you from having to
> enter the alt text again. If you all collaborating on the document with a
> screen reader user (JAWS or other) I would ask them how they would prefer
> the graphics to be labelled.
> Mike Moore
> EIR (Electronic Information Resources) Accessibility Coordinator
> Texas Health and Human Services Commission
> Civil Rights Office
> (512) 438-3431 (Office)
> Making electronic information and services accessible to people with
> disabilities is everyone's job. I am here to help.