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Alt Tags length and Content
From: Jericho
Date: Aug 5, 2003 5:23PM
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While we are on the subject of Alt tags...
I have noticed that some web sites that use graphical text buttons use alt
text that is very wordy, like "This link will take you to our contacts page
where you can find our email address and phone number", for a button that
simply says CONTACT US. I work with people who use voice recognition to
browse the web and they find this very annoying because they assume that you
would say "Contact Us" to follow the link. Also, screen readers must read
all this verbiage every time that link is passed.
Is there some common standard on this?
Joyce Kennedy
Jericho Consulting
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- Previous message: John Britsios: "Re: error - "Warning: Instructional text needs to be marked up"???"
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