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Re: Hidden text more robust than title?


From: Birkir R. Gunnarsson
Date: Jul 14, 2017 1:55PM

Exactly what Jon said.

The title attribute is a valid source of accessible name, but is not
persistent visible label.
It could only be used to provide an accessible name to form fields
visually identified by an adjacent field or part of a
multi-part-input, or as a source of accessible name for a link or
button identified visually with an icon.

That being said, I think the title attribute is the better way to go here.
You don't have to provide this info (unless you do with an icon) so it
is supplementary to the link purpose. That is what the title attribute
is intended for.
If you place too much information into the linktext itself it becomes
cumbersome and confusing.
Also it is very bad pactice (not that you suggested it) to put hidden
text wih instructions before the link text.

On 7/14/17, Jonathan Avila < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> It becomes a problem when we use it for a text input in place of an
>> accessible name.
> The title attribute can be used as the accessible name for an input as long
> as it's accessibility supported. It has been very well support historically
> but I haven't confirmed its support on mobile recently.
> The accessible name calculation can be found here:
> https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/#input-type-text-input-type-password-input-type-search-input-type-tel-input-type-url-and-textarea-element
> It would not however serve as a visible label for an input that was not
> otherwise labelled because it is only available on mouse hover in most
> browsers.
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Avila
> Chief Accessibility Officer
> Level Access, inc. (formerly SSB BART Group, inc.)
> (703) 637-8957
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