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Re: <em> v. <i> and <strong> v. <b
From: Ineke van der Maat
Date: Sep 5, 2003 10:21AM
- Next message: Terence de Giere: "RE: Section 508 Standards Compliance and Scripts"
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Hallo Jeb,
makes a clear difference between the fontstyle tags
<!ENTITY % fontstyle "tt | i | b | big | small">
and the phrase tags.
<!ENTITY % phrase "em | strong | dfn | code | q | sub | sup |
samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym">
I think fontstyle tags are presentational tags and should not be used as
tags but as properties in a
stylesheet when one tries to seperate presentation from
Ineke van der Maat
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- Next message: Terence de Giere: "RE: Section 508 Standards Compliance and Scripts"
- Previous message: Ben Morrison: "Re: Site Check"
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