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Font-resizing widget/Google Translate


From: Loeffelman, Karen (karenl
Date: Sep 1, 2017 12:45PM

I recently updated our Assistive Technology website to a new CMS. I didn't include the text-resizing widget or the Google Translate widget that were on the old website. Now I'm being asked to include them again. I think they are both unnecessary, but need something to back up my point of view. I found this article from 2010 -- http://webaim.org/blog/web-accessibility-preferences/ -- and was wondering if these points were all still valid.


Karen Loeffelman, Web Development Manager
Center on Disabilities and Human Development
University of Idaho
College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
1187 Alturas Drive
Moscow, ID 83843
208.885.6186 | FAX: 208.885.6145
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